Wednesday, March 23, 2011
So, I have a witness. I know that no one would believe me but my neighbor Morgan happened to be here having coffee when he said it. MA-MA. It was one of the most beautiful sounds I HAVE EVER HEARD!! I thought they always say dada first but not MY boy.... :-). Ah.... bragging rights with the hubby F-O-R-E-V-E-R. His second word is BA-BA which he started later in the night. Still no daddy... at least he knows the 2 most important words in his life. (cough, cough Patrick)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Developmental Dr. Visit
We have been waiting for this appointment FOREVER!! I was so worried they were going to tell me there is a problem with the babies I was not aware of. The appointment went FANTASTIC!! She said BOTH boys are are doing great and she can tell they get a lot of interaction. She also noticed that Reese has a silly shaped head. After measuring and talking we all decided a helmet would be a great choice for him. We will not get it for about a month and he only has to wear it for 2-3. I really think with Patricks "non hair" head, that having a good shape is important for my boys. Hehe. The doctor even said we could stop our physical therapy but I really think that its good for all of us at this point. We don't go back until July.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Shrink the booty has started again!
Its been about a month since I stepped foot in the gym. I lost 20 lbs and then ________ (insert excuse here) happened. I went this morning. It felt great. Noticing I am even making better food choices today because I went. I really think I need to find a weight loss buddy/gym buddy. I think it would make the process more fun and keep my butt on track.
My new goal is 60 lbs.... total left. I know that I can do it, I just need to stay determined and on track! I am going to make a calendar for the family and pencil in my workouts so they are set. I will post some before kids pics, after kid (Cam), after I lost that weight, now that I gained it back plus some and EVENTUALLY hot body pics. (I dont have those yet...)
My new goal is 60 lbs.... total left. I know that I can do it, I just need to stay determined and on track! I am going to make a calendar for the family and pencil in my workouts so they are set. I will post some before kids pics, after kid (Cam), after I lost that weight, now that I gained it back plus some and EVENTUALLY hot body pics. (I dont have those yet...)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Robbie Nicole
I don't talk about it much. I don't cry where anyone can see anymore. I miss her so much it hurts. Everytime I shop and walk past the pink I know that I should be there. Sometimes I wonder if God thought I couldn't handle just one more. People often say when they know im exhausted "can you imagine if it was three"? Oh yes, I imagine it every single minute of every single day. I see the boys smile and wonder what her smile would have looked like, the sound of her laugh. People don't understand that it is not the time in which I had her that matters. My heart knew she was mine. My baby girl. My heart is still broken. I am not saying that I am not happy. My children bring so much joy to heart sometimes I think it may explode. I wake up each morning so thankful for this life. I will just always feel the void. The missing piece. My daughter is missing. I have lost people in my life because I am not healing at the right rate. That I don't see that the world still turns. Right now, for me, the only world is in my home and in the sky. How quickly is a mother supposed to heal from losing her baby? A week, a month, a year? I read blogs, letters, stories, poems from other mothers that are going through the same thing. Its so comforting to know that I am not alone, that my "friend" was wrong.
Mommy will never let you go Robbie. I can't. I don't want to.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Baby bootcamp SLEEPING pictures!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Ricky rolled and I caught on film!! FINALLY
This took a long time to get! They have been rolling for a few months now but its only once per day, sometimes more. Adjusted age is 5 months now.
Baby Bootcamp Day 4- Not so great.
Naps have been GREAT and I give morning baths now instead of night.
Since I start work tonight and daddy will be putting the brats to bed- I decided to write a really detailed explaination/instruction sheet of our new bedtime and dinner routine. It listed measurements and times...everything. Well, he said he couldnt get them to finsih eating. In turn, the babies decided not to sleep through the night. :-( Mommy did kick daddy to wake up with them since it wasnt my fault they were up. So.... mommy gets her point of the day but not daddy.
As for the first day of work....I am exhausted but thankful that I have the opportunity to help provide for the family. :-) I work 8pm-11:30pm on weekdays and 8-12:30 on weekends.
Since I start work tonight and daddy will be putting the brats to bed- I decided to write a really detailed explaination/instruction sheet of our new bedtime and dinner routine. It listed measurements and times...everything. Well, he said he couldnt get them to finsih eating. In turn, the babies decided not to sleep through the night. :-( Mommy did kick daddy to wake up with them since it wasnt my fault they were up. So.... mommy gets her point of the day but not daddy.
As for the first day of work....I am exhausted but thankful that I have the opportunity to help provide for the family. :-) I work 8pm-11:30pm on weekdays and 8-12:30 on weekends.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
My grandpas funeral
Today I have mixed feelings. I am so sad that my grandpa is gone but I am so thankful that he isn't in pain anymore. The funeral was on the Southside because the grew up there and bought the plot 20+ years ago. Pat, the twins and myself went. I bought the babies the cutest little suits and dress shoes.
It was the first time my family had seen the boys and they were a hit! I think holding the babies helped my mother get through the funeral.
After the funeral I dropped Pat and the boys off at home and I went to my mothers house. I has been almost a year since I have been over there. We hung out and caught up. It was really nice. After we both went shopping so I could get some items for my new job that I start tomorrow.
Pat totally failed at baby bootcamp but I am thankful he gave me the time with my family. Don't forget they need to eat too sweetie. :-)
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Reese looking good. Dont pay attention to the mess. :-( |
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My handsome little Ricky! |
It was the first time my family had seen the boys and they were a hit! I think holding the babies helped my mother get through the funeral.
After the funeral I dropped Pat and the boys off at home and I went to my mothers house. I has been almost a year since I have been over there. We hung out and caught up. It was really nice. After we both went shopping so I could get some items for my new job that I start tomorrow.
Pat totally failed at baby bootcamp but I am thankful he gave me the time with my family. Don't forget they need to eat too sweetie. :-)
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These babies always make me smile. Even on sad days! |
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Baby Bootcamp- Day 1
After seeing how wonderful babies can be at this age... I decided to start a baby bootcamp. We are going to get these boys to somewhat do what mommy says. Kinda. :-)
The day started with some oatmeal and fruit, a bottle and a bath. We played for a little bit and the tired eyes were obvious by 10am. I put Ricky in his bed ( already sleeping) and Reese in the play yard in the living room. They slept for 4 hours!!! The rest of the day was really great and then 5pm hit. They were EXHAUSTED!! I decided to keep them up until they could eat a big dinner at 7. Dinner time was HORRIBLE!! They were crying and trying to fall asleep in their highchairs. I got the food on them and they were crashed the highchairs! We put on their P.J.'s and fed them each a bottle and into their beds they went. AT 8 pm!!!!
Reese ended up sleeping through the night until 9am which was a first! Ricky woke up soon after he was laid down and went to sleep at 10pm. I put him in the play yard and he hung out until he fell asleep. No crying!
I am sooooo happy and so thankful my friend Anna broke it down to me on Sunday! Now for day 2.....
The day started with some oatmeal and fruit, a bottle and a bath. We played for a little bit and the tired eyes were obvious by 10am. I put Ricky in his bed ( already sleeping) and Reese in the play yard in the living room. They slept for 4 hours!!! The rest of the day was really great and then 5pm hit. They were EXHAUSTED!! I decided to keep them up until they could eat a big dinner at 7. Dinner time was HORRIBLE!! They were crying and trying to fall asleep in their highchairs. I got the food on them and they were crashed the highchairs! We put on their P.J.'s and fed them each a bottle and into their beds they went. AT 8 pm!!!!
Reese ended up sleeping through the night until 9am which was a first! Ricky woke up soon after he was laid down and went to sleep at 10pm. I put him in the play yard and he hung out until he fell asleep. No crying!
I am sooooo happy and so thankful my friend Anna broke it down to me on Sunday! Now for day 2.....
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Reese at nap...HE TOOK A NAP! |
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Ricky after dinner! |
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Reese after dinner!! HAHAHAHA!! Too Cute! Current bootcamp Score: |
Ricky and Reese 0
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Playdate with Gage and Emily- more twins!
A few days ago I met another mother on the San Anotonio Mothers of Multiples site. We started talking and both have 8 month old twins! The concept is very much like internet dating but all about babies! We had TONS in common so a playdate was in order! We were also SUPER lucky because we were going to get our brakes done this weekend and guess who has a hubby that does brakes for a living? new buddy! So, we headed over there tonight and the guys did the brakes while the girls played with babies. Couldn't get much better than that!
I learned on the trip that my babies are as rotten as I once believed. Emily and Gage went to bed early with no screaming, rocking or whining. I was SO impressed! I kept asking how they were so good and how she got them to do it and I finally got this answer "Look, I like you so I am going to tell you the truth. Its you". HAHA. I liked Anna so much more after that! Its true. Its me. So starting Sunday (tomorrow) we are having baby bootcamp at my house!! Pray that we all make it out of this with as little tears as possible.
I forgot my camera in the car while we were "playing" so I took later pics of the babies doing other things. Oh well, you get the point! :-)
We are really looking forward to hanging out with our new friends more! Next time mommy will remember to take the camera out.
I learned on the trip that my babies are as rotten as I once believed. Emily and Gage went to bed early with no screaming, rocking or whining. I was SO impressed! I kept asking how they were so good and how she got them to do it and I finally got this answer "Look, I like you so I am going to tell you the truth. Its you". HAHA. I liked Anna so much more after that! Its true. Its me. So starting Sunday (tomorrow) we are having baby bootcamp at my house!! Pray that we all make it out of this with as little tears as possible.
I forgot my camera in the car while we were "playing" so I took later pics of the babies doing other things. Oh well, you get the point! :-)
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Gage and Emily eating dinner! |
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Im a bad mommy and only took a pic of one baby..they look the same so, look twice! |
We are really looking forward to hanging out with our new friends more! Next time mommy will remember to take the camera out.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Rub and Dub Dub..Two Dunks in a Tub
Everyone loves a baby in a bath! These are some of our tub moments from the beginning! When we were in the NICU I would wait around on bath day just to get my hands on those slippery little guys. Now that the boys are 8 months old, splashing has prevented me from taking pics. I end up with more water on me than the boys in the tub. :-)
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Ricky getting a bath from Nurse Barbara |
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Ricky. I just love this one! |
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Mommy giving Reese a sponge bath |
Rotten Reese after his bath |
Ricky..I keep hearing he looks like ET |
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Im covering him up so no one gets jealous... |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The world is a little less bright now that my Grandpa is gone
Today my grandpa died. The world will never be the same. My heart is breaking but I know that my Robbie Nicole is sitting in his lap right now.
Grandpa was born June 17, 1924. He lived a long and very happy life.
When he met Ricky and Reese he said they were the most beautiful babies he had ever seen. That is a memory I will have forever.
Cam and I were lucky enough, though at the time it was nuts (dementia), to take care of him for about a year before I started dating Patrick. Cam used to streak across the living room almost daily after his showers and grandpa would just sit there and laugh and laugh.
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Grandpa giving my mom and I the "look" while at the dr.. |
This is in 2000. Relaxing. He LOVED his boots! |
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Presents always took about 10 minutes to open. Cute. |
2000- usual. Runs in the family |
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My favorite. He had the patience to play Cams made up games. No one but Cam ever won. |
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He got to meet the boys. I am so thankful for that. :-) |
Blogging for the first time!
A friend of mine told me that I should start a blog since I have so many pictures of the stinkers. I have no idea what I am doing so please be patient! I am trying to start from the beginning of pregnancy and maybe even marriage (not sure) so memories are the only thing I have from days before today. My goal is to get everything in a blog so I can cancel (dare I say it) FACEBOOK. I hope everyone enjoys this format. :-)
So far I have enjoyed looking back at the past year. It was a humbling year but amazing. I was very blessed to become the mother of 3 babies and we were also lucky enough to get our little Zoe full time! In one year I went from a family of 2 (me and Cam) to having 4 kids and a hubby! God is great!
So far I have enjoyed looking back at the past year. It was a humbling year but amazing. I was very blessed to become the mother of 3 babies and we were also lucky enough to get our little Zoe full time! In one year I went from a family of 2 (me and Cam) to having 4 kids and a hubby! God is great!
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